Just Because I Can, Doesn’t Mean I Should…

Sure, I could get a huge spider web tattoo on my neck. Sure, I could get two inch spacers in my ears, paint my hair purple, and put a chrome plated beef bone through my nose. Sure I could wear an animal outfit to school and have everyone look at me like I have suddenly accomplished something in my life. Sure, I could do all of those things. But just because I can, doesn’t mean I should.

Sure, I could say screw those losers going to school all day. Sure, I could smoke dope, drink, and play video games all day. Sure, I could collect benefits from the government knowing full well I am able to work. But just because I can, doesn’t mean I should.

Sure I could blow off wearing a condom. Sure I could ignore making child support payments. Sure I could wait till, like well, whenever to pick up my kid the weekend I’m supposed to have him / her. But just because I can, doesn’t mean I should.

What has Happened to Our Youths' Sense of Direction?

A good portion of American youth are on the road to life missing a moral compass. Instead of following a path true north to constructive futures, our nation’s young adults are running headlong into the abyss of idiocracy. They are doing things because they can, instead of asking if they should. Why are they doing this?

The moral compass meant to provide our youth direction by giving them a sense of right or wrong is purposefully being pulled from center by twenty-first century trappings. These mechanisms and empty ornaments are aimed at fueling distraction and sowing confusion amongst our youth. Smart phones, gender flexibility, disrespect for the potential of human life, self-absorption, video games, and an increasing leniency towards the use of drugs are but a few of these distractions.

The end result of these moral distractions is the development of a self-centered ego requiring instant gratification and striking out when it is not obtained. Mind you, I am not putting the blame for all of this on the youth – after all we adults and parents are the ones who given them access to it all. In fact I would even be willing to say our youth have become unwitting victims to this past generation’s selfish inaction.

Our youth have fallen victim to a combined government and corporate partnership purposely aimed at distracting them from discovering these entities’ truly evil intent. What’s worse is, our public school system and the unions destroying them are fully on board with their messaging.

American culture, once structured around self-reliance, morality, and communal purpose is now being bulldozed over by jointly organized government and corporate tyranny. What is being raised in its place is a new framework purposefully generating confusion, distraction, government dependence, hedonism, misdirection, racial division, and victim culture. These are the profit making tools of a new Babylon. And American may have already lost its ability to defend itself.

Couple this orchestrated evil with the purposeful destruction of the nuclear family, abdication of parental duties, stigma free child abandonment, and the government’s attempt to dictate family values, and you have a perfect recipe for destroying a young person’s sense of direction and purpose. Welcome to the twenty-first century…

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