About Us
Charles Benz is a retired USAF veteran and U.S. Army and Navy Civilian Service employee who served his nation and the Department of Defense for more than forty years. He has lived and worked in a wide range of locations both in the U.S. and overseas. He has a passion for political reform focused on ensuring accountability, honesty, and integrity in today’s political arena.
Dale Clinbeard is an Air Force veteran who has served as treasurer for several reform-minded political organizations. He is the USEP's treasurer and key advisor on state and federal electoral requirements.
Our Founder's Philosophy
Three motivating passions, common, and admittedly too often unpracticed, have governed my life as the founder of the USEP, they are: a relentless search for knowledge, a deep belief in freedom (to include the duty of defending it), and the inability to suffer, condone, or tolerate the purposeful cruelty of man vs. man. These ideals coupled with a strong sense of personal responsibility for the maintenance of my society and the desire to liberate myself from the influence of religion have carried me across lands of time and oceans of anguish in their pursuit. The journey continues to this day.
I have sought knowledge for the purpose of trying to understand my personal position and place on Earth. I have wished to understand the hearts and minds of my fellow man - to understand the seemingly unlimited boundaries they possess and display when nurtured – to both extremes, good and bad. I want to know why we as humans have followed the road we have while simultaneously clearing a better path for my children's future. This is what I want to achieve.
In this pursuit, I have served my country for the purpose of defending the freedoms I believe are the rights of every man woman and child in our country and on our planet. These rights include: the right of self-determination, the pursuit of happiness, and the freedom from fear in regard to government control of our lives. It is my deep conviction that these freedoms must be maintained and vigorously protected when threatened. I believe it is our duty to ensure dictatorships or religious powers never rise to destroy them.
Knowledge and freedom combined with a personal responsibility for the construction, maintenance, and improvement of the neighborhood and society we live in will lead us toward unity of purpose. Unity of purpose will tie us to our community, give us positive direction, and provide a pathway for improvement in our lives. A close focus on these elements will help eliminate much of the suffering and pain we inflict on our brothers and sisters. In the end it will contribute greatly to the overall health and welfare of our people and planet – an unashamedly worthwhile effort.
This is the goal of my life: this is the ultimate goal of the USEP. Though I have been traveling for many years, it would seem I am just now starting to gain sight on the road ahead. You are sincerely invited to share in the travels.
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